Battle Pass Season 2

Battle Pass Season 2
Season 2 Battle Pass

Blue Squire
The Bold Warrior of Moisty Mire

Tier: 1

Squire Shield
A trusty shield.

Tier: 1

Express yourself on the battlefield.

Tier: 5

Pulse Axe
Bleeding Edge Axe Technology

Tier: 7

Get Down
Can you dig it?

Tier: 14

Ride the Pony
Express yourself on the battlefield.

Tier: 20

Royale Knight
The dauntless champion of Tomato Town

Tier: 21

Royale Shield
A royal shield.

Tier: 21

The Worm
Express yourself on the Battlefield.

Tier: 28

Sir Glider the Brave
First of his name.

Tier: 35

Stone and anvil not included

Tier: 35

Royale X
State of the art combat glider.

Tier: 42

Express yourself on the battlefield.

Tier: 49

Sparkle Specialist
It's time to shine!

Tier: 56

Warning: High Voltage!

Tier: 63

Black Knight
The odious scourge of Wailing Woods

Tier: 70

Black Shield
The Black Knight's legendary shield.

Tier: 70
How many Items are in the Battle Pass Season 2 Battle Pass?
So far, the Fortnite Battle Pass Season 2 Battle Pass containes 17 Cosmetic Items (Excluding V-Bucks etc.). Some items however may be added later on in the season and require additional challenges to earn.