Chapter 3 Season 3: Vibin

Chapter 3 Season 3: Vibin
The Island is one giant party. Drop in and spread the good vibes!

Expedition Bag
Rated for up to six golden idols.

Griffins Talon
Symbol of the powerful bond between a ruler and his royal mount.

Twin Crossfire
Make your own trouble.

Adiras Battle Flag
A witness to battles long past.

Widows Promise
Settle the score.

A little of this. A little of that. And anything else left over.

Viper Probe Droid
Used for deep space reconnaissance.

Blowin Up
Feel the love.

Indys Dustoff
In the face of danger, be ready to go first.

Arm-y Guy
Need a hand with that?

Lance Dance
Joust with flair.

Shuriken Spinner
The most dangerous fidget.

Imperial March
Channel the power of the Dark Side.

It is Finished
At long last, my quest is complete.

Gimmie the love.

Articulated Blade Wing
Battle tested and display worthy.

Dragon Rider
Spirit-bound dragon familiar.

Sovereign Griffin
Quest beyond the clouds.

Wind Crawler
The hunter takes flight.

Lambda-Class Shuttle
The preferred shuttle of Imperial dignitaries.

Storm Crash
Built to glide beyond enemy lines.

Gossamer Shine
Illuminate the skies.

Falling Fate
Fall forth with honor and courage.

TIE Squadron
Deploy the fleet.

Exalted Skies
Soar high above your kingdom.

Glitz Grid
Fall into the future.

Darth Shader
Show your style.

Rogue Archaeology
Show your style.

Maliks Honor
Show your style.

The Balance of Two
Show your style.

Adiras Armor
Show your style.

Show your style.

Show your style.

Polished Stone
Show your style.

Pairing Blades
Syndicate-issued. Evie-modified.

Raiders Relics
It belongs in a museum.

Utility Claymore
The ideal armament for the well armed.

Dragon Rune Lance
Forged long ago for battles yet to come.

The Kings Oath
Carry forth in honor, truth, and duty.

Widows Promise
Regret nothing. Forget nothing.

Sigil of the Empire
Feel the Emperor's wrath.

Darth Vader
Join him, and together you will rule the galaxy.

Indiana Jones
World famous archaeologist adventurer.

His destiny has been foretold for a thousand generations.

Criminal. Vigilante. And the Peace Syndicate's secret weapon.

In the crucible of the ancients a new path is forged.

Her bridges are burned, there's no turning back.

All assembly required.

Dark Side Rising
Leave your mark.

Emergency Raft
That wasn't so bad, was it?
How many Items are in the Chapter 3 Season 3: Vibin Battle Pass?
So far, the Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 3: Vibin Battle Pass containes 50 Cosmetic Items (Excluding V-Bucks etc.). Some items however may be added later on in the season and require additional challenges to earn.
Full Battle Pass Showcase: